If not the Isle of Man when did you move here?
Self-employed PR, Marketing and Environmental Consultant
Political History & Views
What is your political history or relevant experience?
I have over 15 years experience of political and environmental campaigning in the IOM. For the last 2 years I have been a Braddan Parish Commissioner.
Are you a member of any organisation which guides or influences your political views or polices?
I am a founder member of Tynwald Watch, the Positive Action Group and Zero Waste Mann. I have endorsed the PAG's Charter.
What are your main national issues?
I support changes to the 'system of government' to improve the democratic process and the accountability of our politicians.
To protect the Island's 'independence' from the adverse effects of an increasingly 'creeping' Federal Europe.
To introduce effective immigration and residential controls.
To improve the efficiency and quality of public services and making sure we get better 'value for money' from capital projects.
Ensuring that those living on low incomes or pensions are not driven into real poverty by costs rising faster than their income.
Getting sanity back into the housing market.
Giving more responsibility to a reduced number of local authorities so that Keys/Tynwald can spend more time on national/international issues and legislation etc.
Ensuring we still have a farming/fishing industry in 5 years time.
Improving the scrutiny of government policy and expenditure so the reasons for decisions are robust and justifiable - thus avoiding the need for expensive inquiries when things go pear-shaped.
Effective regulation of monopolies, such as the Steam Packet.
The introduction of truly sustainable policies in respect of the economy, energy, transport and development.
Improving the health of the nation.
There are many, many other important issues facing the Island in the next 5 years and it will be a very busy time for our politicians to achieve all of the things the population would like to see happen.
What are your main local issues?
Restoring community spirit and pride.
Protecting the environment from unwelcome and inappropriate development.
Reducing the incidence of anti-social behaviour so that we can all enjoy living in such a beautiful Island.
What do you believe you would bring to government as an MHK?
I have said that if substantially the same 'government' is re-elected that I would remain outside of 'government' to make sure it is properly scrutinized and held to account for its actions. If there was a substantial number of new MHK's, and I believe that they held similar objectives to me in making the necessary changes to the 'system, the policies and procedures, and they needed my support to form a new government, I would seriously consider joining with them to form a new government. If that happened I believe that I would bring the correct attitude to getting things done for the good of the majority and not my own self-interest or other individuals.