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Photo of the House of Keys

House of Keys Election 2016 - Glenfaba and Peel

22 September 2016

Seats Available: 2

Contact Details

Mrs Sally M Bolton

Corlett Bolton & Co
4 Finch Road

Tel: 676868
Fax: 676966


If you are a candidate standing in this election and would like to have your photo, contact, social media details and manifesto included, then please email

Polling Station

  • Polling District 1: CGAP1
    Peel Centenary Centre, Atholl Street, Peel
  • Polling District 2: CGAP2
    Peel Centenary Centre, Atholl Street, Peel
  • Polling District 3: CGAP3
    Glen Maye Methodist Church, Glen Maye Hill, Glen Maye
  • Polling District 4: CGAP4
    St Paul's Church, Foxdale
  • Polling District 5: CGAP5
    Glen Maye Methodist Church, Glen Maye Hill, Glen Maye
  • Polling District 6: CGAP6
    St Johns Methodist Church, Main Road, St Johns
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