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He is presently Speaker of the House of Keys, Deputy President of Tynwald, Chairman of the Tynwald Management Committee, Chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Matters and a member of other Tynwald and House of Keys committees. He is a member of the Board of Governors of the International Business School. He has been Minister for the Treasury, Chairman of the Financial Supervision Commission, Vice-Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, Member of the Department of Education and member of other Government Departments and Boards. Ladies and Gentlemen During my 19 years as a Member of the House of Keys I have had a wide experience of Government which has overseen the transformation of the Island’s depressed economy of the early 1980’s to the present buoyant and highly professional economy with virtually no unemployment and low personal and corporate taxation. My time is divided between attending to local matters and national issues as well as attending to the many and varied problems of constituents. During the past years I have consistently promoted the well being of the Parishes of Kirk Michael, Ballaugh and Jurby and have been available at all times for people who wish to see me. LOCAL ISSUES During the period since the election in 1996 the following matters have received my full attention. Kirk Michael
NATIONAL ISSUES This election is about electing a National Government for the next five years. A Government that will continue to manage sound economic policies so as to provide security and peace of mind for all of us. A policy that continues to encourage and support a successful business environment that generates full employment, that provides Government with the taxation income necessary to provide and improve the services of Health, Housing, Education, Pensions, Social Welfare etc, A policy that can conduct successful diplomatic negotiations in the EU, the OECD and other world forums, so as to maintain international confidence in the ability of the Manx Government to manage its own affairs. A policy that Government will conduct public affairs with integrity and transparency and NEVER AGAIN threaten the civil liberties and democratic rights of any person in the Isle of Man, as the Government recently attempted to do to the residents of Jurby in respect of the proposal to site the foot and mouth carcass pit without notice, planning approval or consultation. On Thursday 22nd November you will elect a Government to successfully conduct the national affairs of the Isle of Man. To achieve these policies of full employment and maintaining and improving people’s standard of living, there has to be a sustained growth of manageable proportion in the economy. Negative growth in the economy will create the misery of unemployment and family hardship which MUST BE avoided at all costs. To continue the present economic success the Isle of Man must maintain the initiative and remain competitive in an increasingly competitive world market. The Government must continue to encourage the development of profitable businesses and the diversification into new activities so as to create a balance between the finance and manufacturing industries. This Island is not immune from the problems of the outside world and its has a great challenge ahead to sustain our prosperity which is the only means by which we can maintain and pay the ever increasing cost of Health Care, Social Welfare, Pensions, Education and the preservation of Law and Order. I offer experienced and responsible handling of the economy to fulfil the promise of a secure future for all the residents of our Island home. FINANCE AND TAXES: It must always be remembered that Government money is your money collected from you in income tax and value added tax on the goods, supplies and services you purchase. Treasury has a duty to ensure that your money is properly spent and properly accounted. There must be continuous scrutiny of expenditure and accounting. HEALTH CARE: Government has an obligation to provide the very best Health Service to the people of this Island. The new hospital is due to be opened in 2004 and provision must be made to ensure it is fully staffed to provide the best possible care, Provision must also be made for continuing improvements at community hospitals and most importantly the renewal, refurbishment and upgrading of doctors’ surgeries. PENSIONS: The community as a whole have a duty of care toward our pensioners. The Manx pension supplement (£36 per week) is now paid to all pensioners that have contributed for 10 or more years into the Manx National Insurance Fund. It is my policy that only those persons who have contributed to the National Insurance Fund should receive the Manx Pension Supplement but it should be on a graduated basis — i.e. those who have contributed 8 years receive 80% of the supplement, contributed 5 years receive 50% of the supplement etc. It is my policy that pensioners in receipt of income support should have the supplement paid in full and disregarded for purposes of income support provided they qualify by contribution. Finally it is my policy that all pensioner households should receive a £200 winter fuel allowance similar to that paid in the United Kingdom. It should not be forgotten that £44 million was taken from the Manx National Insurance Fund to part pay for the new hospital. NO MORE CAPITAL MONEY MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE MANX NATIONAL INSURANCE FUND. SOCIAL SERVICES AND WELFARE: It is essential that benefits continue to be maintained at current levels and values reviewed to keep pace with the cost of living and the expectation of a rising standard of living. There must be continued provision and improvement of both sheltered and residential housing. EDUCATION: To provide the best education for our children, so that whatever their talents they can compete for the best jobs and appointments according to their ability. The International Business School is part of the educational establishment of the Island and enables young people to gain the necessary professional qualifications to advance their career prospects in the financial services industry. HOUSING: The provision of housing has throughout the ages been a contentious issue and an expensive item relative to earnings. At the present time there is an urgent need for public sector houses to rent and for private sector houses for young people to purchase at affordable prices. The Department of Local Government is responsible for housing and the Department should set about with vigour and determination, a programme of construction of public sector housing for rent. There must be an accelerated programme for the provision of serviced plots for purchase and self build. There must be subsidised first-time buyer houses built on Government owned land and for sale at cost, less the land value, for eligible persons. Where is this Government owned land available? The old military campsite at Jurby, zoned for residential development. Jurby needs substantial residential development so as to create an integrated village community with associated facilities. The cost? The Treasury had £1.5 million instantly available to dig the carcass pit. That money should be used for the benefit of the community of Jurby to create an integrated community to share in the economic well being and prosperity that prevails throughout the Isle of Man. Throughout the Island existing public sector housing requires upgrading and refurbishment, However, care must be taken to prevent the housing market becoming depressed, which could result in negative equity for those who have recently purchased their home. LAW AND ORDER: The Police must be supported so that all of us can live peacefully and enjoy quality of life and our beautiful environment. Positive action must be taken to ensure that people can go about their lawful business without fear or intimidation and their property is not violated. DRUGS AND ALCOHOL ABUSE: Government has a strategy to educate people against alcohol abuse and a strategy to prevent and discourage people becoming involved in the use of drugs. Firm and continuous action must be taken by the Police against those evil people who supply and trade in illegal drugs. I do not support the use of cannabis or any other drug except under medical supervision. LOW PAY: The introduction of the statutory minimum wage at £4. 10 per hour is unacceptable. In our prosperous Island we can not allow a small minority to become underpaid and disadvantaged. This is divisive. The minimum wage should be at least £4.50 per hour. LOCAL GOVERNMENT: I will not support the introduction of an all-Island rate nor will I support the reform of local government into four district councils based on Douglas, Ramsey, Castletown and Peel. REFUSE DISPOSAL: The building of the incinerator for the disposal of all of the Island’s refuse has commenced. However, the Department of Local Government has made no arrangements for the disposal of fly ash, bottom ash and other residual matter. I consider this to be a serious matter which needs immediate attention. It is my opinion that the reason for making no provision for the disposal of the ash and other residue was because it was intended to use the underground cells had the carcass pit at Jurby been approved. Landfill and disposal sites MUST BE situated well away from residential areas with the proper process of notification, consultation and planning approval for the identified site. I repeat, never again must the Department of Local Government be permitted to bring a Permitted Development Order to Tynwald that remove the civil liberties and democratic rights of the people of the Isle of Man. For the chosen site the proper process must be adhered to. SEWAGE DISPOSAL (IRIS): A very large amount of money has already been spent on this project and I support its completion to serve the whole Island. The job creating, income creating business of the Island must always receive Government support and encouragement. FINANCIAL SERVICES INDUSTRY: This industry which employs in excess of 9,000 people and provides the major part of the Government income (both Corporate and Personal taxation) requires full Government support for the promotion of its international business activities and Government protection from the possibility of discriminatory and adverse legislation and sanctions by such forums as the EU and OECD. MANUFACTURING: In order to maintain the fullest diversification within the Island’s economy there has to be a continuous commitment to attracting the establishment of high technology and light engineering industries. Assistance must be given to expand and improve existing small businesses. Businesses must be encouraged to establish on the Jurby Industrial Estate by the provision of enhanced government grants. TOURISM: Tourism in all its aspects is important and as many people as possible must be encouraged to visit our beautiful Island. Our main tourist attractions —the TT motor sport, sport, railways, heritage and countryside require constant promotion throughout the United Kingdom, Ireland and overseas. The Department of Tourism is responsible for the bus and train services. At present there is no evening bus service from Douglas or Ramsey to Kirk Michael, Ballaugh or Jurby. This is unacceptable and I will continue to press strongly for an improvement. AGRICULTURE: It is only by the maintenance of farm incomes that this industry can survive. Agriculture requires the full and whole hearted support of Tynwald for the provision of our food supply and the maintenance of the countryside. The Island has been exceptionally fortunate in avoiding the dreaded Foot and Mouth Disease and all those who have worked to prevent the disease entering the Island are to be congratulated. The belated proposal by the Department of Agriculture that in the event of Foot and Mouth Disease all slaughtered animals are transported to a central burial site at Jurby was totally and completely unrealistic and unacceptable and Tynwald rightly rejected the proposal. There are on the Island 175,000 sheep; 34.500 cattle; 4,200 pigs; a total of 213,700 animals or ‘690,000 sheep equivalents’ (DAFF figures). In the event of an outbreak of Foot and Mouth (and God forbid it should ever happen) the DAFF state that they are capable of killing 600 animals a day. Therefore in the event of an all-Island cull being required with a killing rate of 600 animals a day, it would take 330 days (nearly a year). Lorries would have to be brought to the Island to transport the dead animals through town, village and hamlet to the central burial site. The Department of Agriculture proposal was totally irresponsible and 17 members of Tynwald rightly had the good sense to throw out the proposal. Every precaution must be taken to ensure that Foot and Mouth Disease does not take hold in the Isle of Man. If it ever did, the Department of Agriculture must consider on-farm or regional burial well away from any residential area. CONSERVATION AND THE ENVIRONMENT: Our great asset is the Manx countryside and peaceful environment. We must cherish our heritage and preserve all that is best in our Island home. Finally, I ask you to give me your support and your confidence and in return I renew the undertaking I gave in 1996 that I will give this Sheading the same care and attention in the future as I have given in the past. I will do my best for the benefit of the whole community and I will be available for people who wish to see me. DAVID CANNAN I will be pleased to receive an offer of help towards my election. Please telephone 897926 Published by David Cannan Printed from the IoM Elections Website. www.iomelections.com REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE ACT 1995
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