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I am 52 years of age, married with three children and presently a teacher at Castle Rushen High School. I have been active in local politics for over six years and am currently Chairman of Michael Commissioners. In addition, I am Chairman of Michael Heritage Trust and a member of Michael Youth Club Management Committee. Through my work, young family and community interests I have developed and maintained close links and understanding with a wide cross-section of the community. THE ECONOMY The next government should be aiming for modest and sustainable economic growth without causing an adverse effect on the environment and social structure of the Island. There is over reliance on the finance sector for income and employment. It is vital that policies are in place to encourage and assist the development of a diverse and reliable economy. TOURISM The Island, with its beautiful and relatively un-spoilt countryside still has much to offer the tourist. Schemes to assist Heritage and Eco-tourism should be further encouraged. Visitors expect to find accommodation and facilities to the highest standard. INDUSTRY A variety of light industry must be encouraged with appropriate grants and loan schemes available to attract manufacturers of high quality and specialised products. Industries which contribute to the economy without increasing the population should be given priority. An example of this is the film industry, which also provides valuable publicity for the Island and adds another dimension to the tourist trade. HOUSING Affordable housing for genuine first-time buyers is a priority. The judicious purchase of building land by the Government would enable the development of various building schemes including self-build with services provided and provision of housing associations. Building initiatives must allow for the local community to have a substantial influence on the type, style and rate of development. Land zoned for development should not be in the hands of a few companies. Modem housing should be built to the highest standards of energy conservation and the design of developments should be sensitive to their location. WASTE MANAGEMENT Government should be making a greater effort to implement the top of its waste management hierarchy i.e. reduce, re-use, recycle. The decision to use a large mass-bum incinerator was a mistake, not only for its building costs and ongoing burden on the tax / ratepayer for many years to come, but also for the potential health risks. A substantial amount of landfill will still be required. In addition, there is the problem of the safe disposal of the highly toxic fly-ash. A comprehensive recycling programme, particularly of compostible material and plastics, together with a small incinerator would be a more environmentally friendly and cost-effective way of dealing with waste. PLANNING The planning process is causing increasing concern and discontent to many people, particularly when the decisions appear illogical and inconsistent and when they appear to favour the large developers. The Planning Committee should be held more accountable for its decisions and should be composed of representatives of local authorities or its members should be elected. EDUCATION Education of young people should be about providing opportunities for them to achieve their potential and preparing them for life and the world of work. Too much emphasis has been put on examination results. Schools are becoming examination machines putting unnecessary pressure on both students and teachers. An independent committee should be set up to review the Manx National Curriculum and how appropriate it is for the needs of all our young people. Encouragement should be given to further links between the College of Education / International Business School and universities to enable students to study for degrees without leaving the Island. PUBLIC TRANSPORT As the growing population generates more and more traffic with increasing congestion on the roads and the need for further car parking facilities, the need for an improved, integrated public transport system is even more urgent. A strategy to make public transport more appealing and popular should include an integrated time tabling of all transport systems, free transport for everyone and decent passenger facilities at all the major bus stations. The decision to demolish Douglas bus station should be reversed or a suitable alternative building should be provided. An improved railway track in order to provide a better service to the south of the Island should be part of the strategy. IRIS (Integrated Recycling of Island Sewage) Although the principle of effective treatment of sewage is to be welcomed, the operational costs of such a scheme will be high and a financial burden for future generations. Reconsideration of the two - treatment plant scheme should be made or an alternative scheme involving local treatment plants should be devised. Although the capital cost may be higher initially the long term benefits of lower operational costs must make this a more cost-effective scheme. LAW AND ORDER One deterrent to crime is a greater police presence on the streets and more emphasis on community policing. In order to be more effective, an increase in administrative staff would reduce the time police officers are occupied with paperwork and allow more time for them to take a more active role in crime prevention. Neighbourhood Watch schemes should be encouraged. Financial crime has created some bad publicity for the Island. It is very important that there is effective policing of financial irregularities. The Financial Crime Unit must continue to be appropriately resourced, and its work publicised to the international community. AGRICULTURE It is vital that the farming industry is given the support that it needs. Agriculture is an essential part of the Island’s economy and plays a central role in the effective management of our most important natural resource, the Manx countryside. Less intensive and more environmentally friendly types of agriculture should be encouraged and financial incentives provided for conservation of the countryside. SOCIAL SERVICES The wealth of the nation should be more evenly distributed and the more vulnerable members of society should be given the support and resources that they need. Increases in supplements to state pensions should be linked to average earnings. There should be a review of the proportion of the value of the home of an elderly person included in their assets when calculating the amount of income support for nursing or residential home accommodation. HEALTH Increased investment in the health services, by recruiting more healthcare workers, would help to improve patient care. This will be an increasingly important issue for the stalling of the new hospital. Doctors and dentists should be given incentives to ensure provision of treatment under the NHS. ENVIRONMENT The environment is the Island’s most important asset and it must be protected for future generations. This should involve the designation of Sites of Scientific Interest and the Government must show commitment to this protection by ratifying the appropriate conventions and providing resources to fully implement the Wildlife Act 1990. INTERNATIONAL ISSUES In dealing with international issues which are presently confronting the Island we should promote an image as a well-regulated, progressive and responsible jurisdiction which wishes to meet international standards. The Island must protect its current independence but it must also be a responsible member of the international community. QUALITY OF LIFE The recent economic growth has provided many benefits, particularly full employment and more opportunities for our young people to stay on the Island if they wish. However, this must be balanced against the threat to the other qualities that we enjoy, such as our relatively unspoiled countryside and low crime rate. These, and other aspects of the Manx way of life, must be protected. Preparation of secondary legislation fur the Residence Act and criteria for its activation will require careful consideration. LOCAL ISSUES Road Safety is a common concern for many people in Michael Sheading. Effective traffic calming measures and enforcement.of the law are needed and the installation of speed cameras must form part of this strategy. Coastal erosion is a problem affecting Michael Sheading with Kirk Michael village being the most threatened. Effective protection is becoming more urgent and methods to be employed and target dates for completion must be decided in the near future. Jurby has been neglected for too long and urgently needs investment to revitalise the area. Some of the housing stock requires refurbishment. New, high quality development is needed, along with more industrial and commercial units, to provide local employment. High standard facilities for young people should be an integral part of this regeneration. Ballaugh School is close to capacity, and with the new housing development nearing completion measures need to be taken to ensure that land is available for expansion or replacement in the future. FINALLY As a candidate for the House of Keys I believe that I am approachable, open-minded and willing to listen. I am prepared to work hard in a full-time capacity, make decisions and justify them. Thank you for reading my manifesto. If you require transport on polling day or have any questions please telephone 878769 or 454241 (mobile). Published by Roy Kennaugh, Rheynn Cullyn, Michael. Printed via the IoM Elections Website. www.iomelections.com REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE ACT 1995
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