Press Release - John Fargher to stand in Derby Ward as a Liberal Vannin candidate
Publication Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008
John Faragher a 35 year old father of an 8 year old daughter and commercial insurance manager is to stand in Derby ward as a Liberal Vannin candidate. In the community he is a voluntary gymnastic coach.
John says, "Having lived in the UK I value our quality of life in the Isle of Man and wish to retain this.
Within the corporation expenditure there are areas which require further scrutiny. A total review must be made of expenditure & income to flag any items which require further investigation. Any savings will result in the present rate being maintained or in fact being reduced.
Douglas town centre, in particular the area adjacent to the Royal Bank of Scotland is in desperate need of rejuvenation. This is recognised as an eyesore in Douglas and is a poor reflection of Douglas Corporation to both residents and visitors.
The horse tram service should be transferred to the Department of Tourism as it is of national heritage and a world tourism attraction.
New 'blood' and thinking has to be elected to the council".
Party Leader, Peter Karran MHK states "John Faragher is heavily involved in sport and leisure activities and will bring a new dimension to the town council. John's fresh approach and his genuine concern for people's welfare make him an ideal candidate for Derby Ward."
END: Contact details: John Faragher on 417119, john.faragher@liberalvannin.org